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UCYP University delegates, headed by its Vice Chancellor (VC), Y.B. Professor Datoโ€™ Dr. Muhammad Fauzi bin Mohd. Zain, visited DSY Medical Education Sdn Bhd โ€“ School of Complementary and Traditional Medicine (SCOTMED) on 26 February 2025.

Datoโ€™ Sri Steve Yap, Chief Executive Officer and Ms Leong Yin Fun, Chief Operating Officer of SCOTMED welcomed Professor Datoโ€™ Dr. Muhammad Fauzi and his team of delegates. SCOTMED shared the potential of the wellness industry globally and development of Traditional & Complementary Medicine (T&CM) in the local landscape.

SCOTMED showcased the changes in candidates demographics of its flagship Professional Qualification in Nutritional and Functional Medicine (PQNFM) program over the past 5 years that illustrated the growing acceptance of Nutritional & Functional Medicine in the country as well as its future plans moving forward.

UCYPโ€™s delegates were given a tour to DSY Wellness International Sdn Bhd before adjourning to a scrumptious lunch.

UCYP delegates visit to DSY Wellness International Sdn Bhd
UCYPโ€™s VC, Professor Datoโ€™ Dr. Muhammad Fauzi and Datoโ€™ Sri Steve Yap engaged in an interesting discussion.
UCYPโ€™s VC, Professor Datoโ€™ Dr. Muhammad Fauzi giving his speech
Datoโ€™ Sri Steve Yap giving an overview of the External Counter Pulsation (ECP) treatment.
The group enjoying the tea break.
UCYPโ€™s VC, Professor Datoโ€™ Dr. Muhammad Fauzi presenting a memento to Datoโ€™ Sri Steve Yap after the delicious lunch.
The visit ended with the LUNCH!!!

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